Talking 12 Monkeys and The Allure of Dystopian Time Travel.

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We've reached a bit of a lull in summer movie season, so I figured this would be a fine time to continue along with our examination of some of the more memorable movies of the mid-'90s.

After deciding on my KTCK 1310-AM The Ticket coworker Trey Mitchell as the guest co-host, I asked him what he wanted to talk about. He gave a list, and 12 Monkeys is the one that stood out to me.

Mostly, I just love any chance to talk about time travel. And this movie contains a vision of time travel that is radically different from most time travel movies — one that I find logically compelling.

Here, Trey and I get into that, along with some talk about the value of fake news coverage, a re-evaluation of Brad Pitt's performance and much more.

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