Let’s Take Another Look Back at Saturday’s D-Town Throwdown.
This week’s incessant Back To The Future chatter has been pretty overwhelming. And, for a certain set of people, I imagine the open hoverboard wishing has come off as something of a slap in the face.
After all, skateboards that elevate off the ground already exist. And we saw them in spades at Saturday’s D-Town Throwdown event in Downtown Dallas, as skater after skater (and, OK, some motocross riders too), flew through the air with remarkable grace.
As noted earlier this week: Those athletic feats were a true marvel to behold in person. But they look quite fine after the fact, too. Check out, for instance, the below video compiled by the team at Action Park Alliance, which helped produce the event.
Stunning, right? But, wait, there’s more!
In addition to Jonathan Zizzo, whose photos we already shared with you on Monday, we also had photographer Karlo X. Ramos out on the scene on Saturday.
Check out his snaps from the event below and then try to tell me that we still need hoverboards. Because, like I said, we really don’t.