Talking Action Franchises, Spy Movie Tropes and If Rogue Nation Is The Best Mission Impossible Yet.
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Honestly? Rogue Nation is probably the best Mission Impossible movie. It's really great. It's more complex, more creative and just plain better than your average action or spy movie.
It was so good, in fact, that I didn't even have the time to get creeped out by Tom Cruise's on-screen presence this time around!
No, we don't talk about that — not specifically, at least — on this week's podcast. But my fellow Ticket personality Justin Montemayor probably felt the same way. He certainly liked the movie. I do know that.
Together, Justin and I discuss the structure and intriguing subject matter of this most recent Mission Impossible entry. We also talk about a couple of great articles I read this week that tie into the film's themes. The fact is, spies exist and information is out there. It's just a rare thing for all that information to actually be useful. This movie really gets that.
Here's hoping you agree.