Xuan's A Classic.
Name: Xuan Nguyen.
Age: 29.
Occupation: “I own an upholstery business.”
Found: Oral Fixation at the Texas Theatre.
How would you describe your style? “Classy with an edge.”
What are you wearing? “I am wearing shoes from Dune. The dress is from Forever 21. The belt is Ann Loft. The necklace is from Forever 21. The ring is from my sister. The earrings are from somewhere in Ireland. The jacket is from H&M. The bag is actually from Crate & Barrel!”
What inspires your sense of fashion? “Fashion magazines from when I was younger. I absorbed that information. Proportion is really important. I dress classic. I understand trends and I think they're fun. But when you look back, they look really tacky.”