You’ve Got Game, Dez Bryant.

Dear Dez Bryant,

How’s it going? Pretty good? We hope so. And, hey, we realize you’re probably pretty busy getting ready for your team’s game against the Giants this weekend, but we couldn’t help showing you a little love for the good will you spread around our fair city late last week.

Yeah, we heard — first through the tweets of folks who were there and then from the national sports media — about how you bought PlayStation 4s for everyone who was waiting in line with you at Walmart on the console’s release day.

Which is amazing, by the way. I mean, there’s just so much awesome in this story.

Obviously, for starters, it was super generous for you to buy all of the PS4s, which retails for a minimum of $399. That you gave a bunch of your fans a little extra financial cushion around the holidays is just a cool thing to do. And then you even took the time to pose for pictures with your lucky linemates? Man. That’s rad.

We assume you probably even exchanged gamertags with a few of them, too, as you’re well known to take on all online comers in Madden.

Also? We love that you were there in person, at about the most egalitarian retailer there is. Surely, you could have ordered your PS4 from Amazon or had someone pick the system up for you. Hell, Sony probably would have sent you a free one if you asked them to.

You didn’t want that, though. You wanted to be in line with your fellow gamers, experiencing the communal joy of release day, which is totally heartwarming.

You showed your humility in other ways, too: We appreciated it immensely when — while you were being interviewed about Madden 25 — your biggest complaint about the game wasn’t anything about your own player ratings, but that the game has you as being listed as faster than your teammate, UNT alum Lance Dunbar. Knowing one’s limitations isn’t generally a strength for professional athletes, so seeing you recognize one of yours was refreshing.

Listen: We know you’ve had it rough around Dallas sometimes, Dez, whether you’re being hassled by overzealous NorthPark Center rent-a-cops or being demonized, unfairly as it turns out, for showing a little passion on the sidelines.

But, at least around our office, we couldn’t be happier that you’re here.

So keep fighting those double teams, keep making the most of the far too few balls being thrown your way, and, most of all, just keep being you, Dez.

We approve.

Stephen Young and the rest of the Central Track staff

Cover photo via @BRedLove.

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