Meth Around With Some Breaking Bad Trivia at J. Black's.
Many a time, we've woken up the morning after a late night out (or happy hour that lasted way later than we initially intended) feeling utterly useless, groggy and, at times, in excruciating pain.
It's a well-known fact: Hangovers are the worst.
And, while it's no secret that 100 percent of all hangovers are caused by dehydration, it's not the easiest thing to remember to drink a gallon of water before hitting the hay — especially when one is in a state of impaired judgment.
Recently, though, some scientists in Australia have been trying to cut out that middle act by developing a hangover-free beer. How are they doing this? By adding what scholars refer to as “a shit ton of electrolytes” into their brew.
Thing is, while participants in their study did prove to be 30 percent more hydrated after drinking, they also had to drink twice as many of the less-potent suds to get drunk.
Still, it's a sign that things are headed in the right direction. And while we're still not quite sure when enriched beer will be available for commercial consumption in the States, we do know one thing: It's not here yet. So if you go out tonight and plan on working tomorrow, you might want to remember to chug a glass of water in between every alcoholic beverage.
Horror Remix Variety Show at Alamo Drafthouse
Part of tonight's proceedings include a special Nervous Curtains performance finds the band performing a live score to accompany EJ Anttila's “special remix” of a lost art-house/supernatural slasher film from 1983 called Bloodbeat. “It's a very unusual film with more emphasis on visual symbolism than narrative structure,” says the band, which is also currently in pre-production stages for its upcoming third full-length album. — Cory Graves
Terry Malts at City Tavern
San Francisco's Terry Malts recently dropped their Johnny Marr-indebted guitar licks in favor of a more simplistic, bombastic approach. It's a solid new direction, though, and we recommend streaming the band's just-released Nobody Realizes This is Nowhere LP in full right here. Dallas' PVC Street Gang opens. — CG
Steve Miller at Verizon Theatre
Woodrow Wilson High School product Steve Miller — and his eponymous band — turns up at Verizon tonight for set sure to be chock-full of hits. Hell, Miller's penned more than his share in his day. Plus, he turns 70 in October, so you may not have many more opportunities to hear “The Joker” or “Take the Money and Run” live. And, hey, you really should because they're both great. — Stephen Young
Midlake at Dan's Silverleaf
These days, waiting three-plus years between albums is more the norm than the exception for a band such as Midlake. But the profound perfectionists in this soft-rockin' outfit have certainly proved at least this much over the course of their catalog: Whether you actually enjoy the band's aesthetic doesn't matter; musically, pretty much everything this group does is flawless. Expect to hear a heap of new tunes from the band's upcoming fourth full-length during the second night of this back-to-back hometown stand. — CG
Geeks Who Drink at J. Black's Feel Good Lounge
Have you ever found yourself correcting someone when they get a fact wrong about Breaking Bad? Are you a pain to be around every Sunday because you're just waiting for your favorite show to start later in the night? Is your Facebook profile pic a headshot of Jesse Pinkman? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you're probably more than qualified to answer the questions at tonight's round of Breaking Bad Trivia. Geeks Who Drink is hosting “Los Geek Hermanos,” where die-hard Heisenberg fans will gather together to break bad on opposing teams. There's going to be a lot of prizes available, too, so you can expect this sucker to fill up quicker than Walt's storage unit. Don't be late. —Jordyn Walters
Open Mic Night at 1919 Hemphill
The long-running DIY space hosts an Open Mic night every first and third Wednesday of the month, and it's one hundred percent free to attend, although organizers stress that you should still bring some dollars for pizza. The performances, as with most open mics, are extremely varied in that they also allow stand-up sets, belly dancing routines or pretty much anything else you want to do in front of a crowd for a few minutes. But don't worry: That raw, punk-rock, vibe the venue is known for remains fully intact. — JW
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