Hey, That Internet Date Wasn't So Bad After All!
Situation: You went on the ever-dreaded Internet match-up date. And guess what? It wasn't terrible!
Feelings: Happy, excited and more than a little relieved.
Goal: Eat something light, easy and refreshing to keep this emotional buzz going.
An update on the Twinkie should do the trick! Even better, it's stupid easy to make.
– Twinkie
– Strawberries
– Blueberries
1. Cut Twinkie in half, from top to bottom.
2. Slice strawberries.
3. Layer strawberries and blueberries on one half of Twinkie.
4. Top with other half of Twinkie.
5. Enjoy!
Ridiculous easy, right? Here's the thing about this treat, though: It's a pretty impressive-looking concoction for a culinary challenged individual to prepare. It is also the perfect addition to a cute little picnic, so, hey, you might have something to bring to that second date you're planning, after all!