In 2020, Nothing On The Internet Is Sacred — Including These Six North Dallas Neighborhoods We’ve Meme’d Into Starter Packs.

If you recall, a few weeks ago we created starter packs for seven different Dallas proper neighborhoods. If you haven’t checked it out, please feel free to get filled in on all the fun, ya boomer.

While many of you were good sports about the whole “meme and laugh my neighborhood” thing, others had concerns over whether their specific (and sort of boring) neighborhood was going to receive some acknowledgment.

Unlike other institutions, we truly do hear you and we are listening.

So, for this second installment of neighborhood starter packs, we decided to get specific focusing our eyes on the greater North Dallas neighborhoods. You know, the kinds that only get passed through but never truly explored.

Alas Northwest Dallas, your neighborhood’s time to shine has come. If you scroll through this and still find yourself asking, “Hey, where is [insert boring suburb here]?”, just know that our inbox button is always hot and ready for your suggestions.


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